Central Michigan University
  • Mode of Study : FULL Time
  • Duration : 4 Years
  • Start Month : January
Price: USD$19,800
International student course fee

About the Courses

At CMU, anthropology offers an engaging exploration into the captivating realm of humanity. As a student, you'll delve into the lives of people both historical and contemporary, spanning global cultures and local communities. Through the lenses of language, culture, and biology, you'll unravel the intricate tapestry of human existence, deciphering what it truly entails to be human.

At CMU, anthropology offers an engaging exploration into the captivating realm of humanity. As a student, you'll delve into the lives of people both historical and contemporary, spanning global cultures and local communities. Through the lenses of language, culture, and biology, you'll unravel the intricate tapestry of human existence, deciphering what it truly entails to be human.


ou’ll get lots of hands-on, practical experience. You’ll learn to search for, excavate and analyze important artifacts at the Stone House, a Saginaw Chippewa farmstead that sheltered runaways from the Mount Pleasant Industrial Boarding School.

You’ll learn to use 3-D printers to create replicas of fossilized human remains dating back some two million years. Or you'll investigate mock crime scenes as part of a forensic anthropology class. You'll study abroad or conduct research overseas. (One of our students recently spent a semester as a forensic anthropology intern in Santiago, Chile.)

You’ll work one-on-one with experienced faculty researchers and engage with classmates in small, interactive classes. We offer courses in language and culture, medical anthropology, primate behavior, international cultures, archeology, ethnology, forensic anthropology and other intriguing topics — so you’re sure to find plenty to spark your interest.

You’ll grow outside the classroom, too, as you develop professional skills and make connections through student organizations like the Anthropology Club. Your skills in working with people from culturally diverse backgrounds will give you a distinctive edge when it’s time to launch a career.